
About us

Concepta Educational International, Kathmandu, is an authorized agent for AIM Math in Nepal. Established in 2010, Concepta educational international aims to promote after-school educational resources in Nepal. We promote our goal in partnership with local schools, colleges, and other educational institutions.

Presently we are working or partnering with more than 300 private and public schools in Nepal to promote AIM Math, with thousands of students all over Nepal using or practicing with AIM Math Books every day.

How AIM Math is different?

AIM math books are not like the regular kind of math books available in the market. Although our math book follows the Nepali Math curriculum, it is written and created by American math teachers and curricular experts. Additionally, all of our math books are based on American Psychologist Jerome Bruner’s easy step-by-step learning theory. Our systematically designed AIM Math Workbooks follow the principle of   Speed + Accuracy = Mastery.

AIM math is a supplementary math workbook, used to enhance the math skill of students. We recommend using AIM Math as follows: Sunday - class work, Monday - homework, Tuesday - class work, Wednesday - homework, Thursday - class work and Friday - weekly Test. In this way both teachers and parents have an equal chance to get involved in the intensive learning process with the students.

Weekly tests will show the actual level attained by the students, giving an idea as to whether they need to repeat the same level, or go further to a higher level. To ensure that the math lesson foundation is strong it is not wise to move to to higher levels until the student is truly ready.

In AIM Math Program, we also provide a Teacher Training Program, with the major focus being on HOW TO TEACH MATH effectively & meaningfully, and how AIM Math is different from other math skill enhancement program.

We also offer an ACHIEVEMENT TEST, issuing CERTIFICATES to the teachers participating in this training program at the end of the school session.

With its backward & forward mechanism, AIM Math enables a child to begin from his or her own individual ability level. Due to the Timing Concept on every two pages worksheets, it encourages children to have fun with math, while building their self learning and study habits.

Message to Parent

Dear Parents, Congratulations! You have taken a huge step toward improving the math skill of your child. Kindly follow the following suggestions to make effective use of our materials. AIM Math program are designed as step-by-step math learning approach, and our systematically designed program will take your kid to higher levels without them even without noticing it. Please follow these suggestions.

Starting Level:

We recommend that your child begins working on the program from Level 1, or any level lower than his/her actual math ability. When you start from Level 1 (or any lower/easy level), your child has the opportunity to review math concepts and develop confidence. This helps to build a strong math foundation, and allows them to move on to higher levels gradually, with courage and determination.

Repeat Program Until Concept is Mastered:

AIM Math programs are based on the principle of repetitive practice. We believe that repetition helps to builds confidence and boosts the mental ability of your child. Therefore, each program features a suggested time frame and an accuracy percentage requirement to successfully complete the lesson. Encourage your child to meet the time and accuracy goals listed on each program.

Never Rush Through Levels: To ensure the math lesson foundation is strong, do not advance to higher levels until your student is truly ready:

We understand that you want to see your child improve his or her math skills, and advance to the higher levels as soon as possible. However, the reality is that practice makes perfect. Encourage your child to keep working on the same program until he/she is able to master the concept. In some cases, your child will be able to complete the program accurately and quickly. If this occurs, you may allow him/her to move up a level.

Recommendation: If your child seems to be struggling in a program, we suggest that they move back one level and repeat the previous math program.

Our story

Make sure to read the story behind AIM Math, how the concept of the program was born and how we can help you save both time and money.

We are parents, just like you. Our children are also dear to us and we want to see them become successful in life, and we understand the importance of a strong base in math for our children to succeed in their academic career. It was only a few years ago that we began looking for the ideal math program to help with our children's studies. We were in regular contact with math tutoring programs such as Kumon, Sylvan, Aloha and Mathnasim, among others.

After a couple of months of research, we choose a math center and our children started going to them. However, we were sending our children to more of these programs and it was not long before we were frustrated of driving our kids to the center and then driving them back home. Daily, we were spending a couple of hours waiting and driving. Soon we found that a number of tutors in these centers were unqualified in teaching math. They are just students in college or in high schools. These programs cost around $100 to $500 a month and it was not long before we came to realize that this was an extremely expensive affair.

It was while waiting for our children in a math tutoring center that we thought of creating a math program that would both save other parents' time and money, and help you spend more time with their children. This is where the idea of AIM Math found its roots.

During our planning phase, we created a comprehensive list of requirements that should be met by this math program.

The following are just few of the points from this list:

  • Enables a child to begin from their math level, allowing children of all abilities to use them
  • Covers the math curriculum completely
  • Properly created program to help children achieve higher math skills in a step-by-step and gradual way
  • 10-20 page program which has sufficient math problems without any repetition
  • Has a few samples to allow children to learn good problem solving techniques
  • Encourage a child for doing math, and building self-learning habits
  • Also includes some challenging math problems

We then begin our extensive online research to find a math program that met all these requirements. We searched hundreds of websites offering math programs, including IXI.com and edhelpers.com; we even became paid members of these sites to gain full access, but we ended up with nothing but frustration. We found:

  • Insufficient math problems or practice sheets
  • Incomplete math curriculum
  • No guidance about starting and end points
  • Absence of orderly flow in problems
  • Haphazard and disorganized worksheets that don’t help a child to achieve higher math levels
  • The same math problems repeated several times
  • Monthly membership payments even when the program is not used

This made us realize that the actual problem cannot be solved either through the math tutoring centers or the online resources on math program. Next we approached experienced and qualified math teachers and experts in math curriculum; presenting them with the issues of math centers and internet math programs.

This was where our AIM Math started from. Our research work, designing and creation of this math program took almost 3 years. Today, the program can help you save your time and money, while achieving results that exceed your expectations.

The creation of these programs involved input from other parents, which helped us develop three types of program.

The three types of AIM Math are:


Step-by-stem math enrichment program

This is a properly created math program which helps a child start from his/her own math level, and move to the next level at a gradual pace while learning every concept.


Activity specific math enrichment program

This AIM Math program is designed for children who are behind in certain math skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This comprehensive math program was designed carefully, to give your child all the opportunities they need to sharpen their specific skills, and move slowly to the next level.


Grade specific math enrichment program

When you want to sharpen the skills of your child through additional homework this is the ideal AIM Math program. Based on the US math curriculum, it provides sufficient opportunity for your child to both solve and master math problems.

Today, an increasing number of parents are taking advantage of our AIM Math program, and reporting extremely positive and exciting results. We strongly believe that our AIM Math program will not only meet, but also exceed, your expectations.